The prosecution of Mark Zuckerberg has now reached the Supreme Court in Sweden 

CEO of META Platforms Inc., Mark Zuckerberg, is charged in Sweden with aiding and abetting aggravated fraud. If convicted, Zuckerberg could face up to 8 years in prison.   META has its largest server facility in northern Sweden, where more than 1.3 billion Facebook users are connected. Attorney at Law Lars J. Olofsson represents about 1,500 crime victims, from 58 countries, in one of modern times’ largest investment frauds, Juicy Fields, where about 125,000 people worldwide have lost more than 3 billion Euros. Most of the marketing of the scam has taken place on Facebook and Instagram with paid ads…

Public letter to The Global Investigative Journalism Conference

Dear Investigative Journalists, We are writing to you because you are attending the global investigative journalism conference. By way of introduction, I am the lead plaintiff in a series of private prosecutions and class actions due to a massive ponzi scheme in the global cannabis industry called Juicy Fields. The fraud itself was huge – kind of like the Wirecard of cannabis. Investors were lured mostly via online means, including direct, paid advertorial pitches on social media like Facebook, but also via cannabis conferences, and both the mainstream and cannabis focussed media. We were told that we could make up to…

Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan about Mark Zuckerberg in Swedish Supremecourt ” Stefan Lundberg at the National Fraud Center has many years of experience in combating organized crime and fraud, including as a former chief prosecutor at the Swedish Economic Crime Authority. He has long called for a criminal trial of the platforms’ responsibility in the matter of aiding and abetting fraud. If Mark Zuckerberg were to be sentenced to prison, it would of course be world news in itself. But the verdict itself could also be a breakthrough in the fight against online fraud globally. The Supreme Court has never before taken up a case of aiding and abetting…

Why Are We Naming and Shaming Lawyers in The Juicy Fields Case?

The two most prominent German lawyers on our target list have broken the German Bar Associations’ rules on cosponsoring conferences and otherwise associating with fraudulent companies. We are now naming and shaming, before of course, litigating. Many people are surprised and asking why we are doing this. Here are the answers Over the last six weeks or so, we have encountered our second legal pushback in Germany as we proceed with our case against the multiple facilitators of the fraud who we have so far identified with our extensive research, now ongoing for almost a year. Namely, we are now…