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Public letter to The Global Investigative Journalism Conference
Dear Investigative Journalists, We are writing to you because you are attending the global investigative journalism conference. By way of introduction, I am the lead plaintiff in a series of private prosecutions and class actions due to a massive ponzi scheme in the global cannabis industry called Juicy Fields. The fraud itself was huge – kind of like the Wirecard of cannabis. Investors were lured mostly via online means, including direct, paid advertorial pitches on social media like Facebook, but also via cannabis conferences, and both the mainstream and cannabis focussed media. We were told that we could make up to…
Norrbottenskurien shared the story about Mark Zuckerberg being sued by us
Hi all
I want to thank you all who has written to me and accepted our Offer.We have now almost 300 who have signed up and we represent.We are going to work relentless for you who now are our clients and see to that you are compensated.I start working on Friday (the 29:th) and I can not represent any who hasn’t signed up and compensate them.As soon as I start negotiations, and conclude settlements only those who has signed up can be compensated.Please write to me name and adress on: to join the Claimant group and for us to represent…