Hi All!

I have now an intense dialog with my Clients who write to me about their personal experiences about how their banks have acted.This is very valuable intel and I ask all of you to send me info about your payments and contacts with your local banks.This is now a part of my preparation for going into discussions/negotiations with all facilitators of this scam.I’m now looking forward helping my Clients and have them compensated for their loss.juicyfieldscase@priostartup.com

Hello All From Daniel

Lars is getting tons of emails and we want to help people help make it easier for Lars when they write. Please also state your name in the subject part when mailing him to make it not as big puzzle work to figure out and organize it all. From what happend with the account its been alot of extra work aswell regarding the organization and we want him to be able to return to the important stuff naturally. Please dont list like 3-10 questions because he will answer them all with his full attention from his own strong principles. Remember…

Hi all

HiAllWhen I told the journalists about what happen to my bank account (thebank blocked all incoming payments although I annonced all new clientspayments from all over Europe) they said; this was a proof of my pointand an example I can use i my settlements with the banks who have letall of you down.If any of you hasn’t signed up yet, please send me an e-mail on:Lars.Olofsson@juicyfieldscase.com with name, adress and a copy of yourpayment to Juicy Fields and I return our Agreement and you join theCollective Claim Group.Lars


Hi AllPlease read this: As an example of our unconventional methods we now used ourselves and how the bank transfer system should work. I informed our bank about the assignment we now have for investors in JF. I informed about all the transactions of payments from our Clients, and I updated our ”profile” in our bank account. This should have been enough for the safety system to let all payments through.Today my bank informed me that they have temporary closed the account for 2-3 days for an investigation into a ”suspicious activity”.We are using ourselves as an example of how…


When you take on these large criminal cases you got beaten badly. A number of individuals, companies and authorities wants to shut you down. This happend and an authority filed a bankrupcy against my company. All is taken care of, and on Tuseday next week the court will dismiss the case. I fight for people who are victims of crimes, and I live for the support all those who I help are giving me – and a lot of you have contacted me and give me their best wiches. This is why I fight, and spend 14 hours a day…


Lars here. I tought I should give you a short update.I need as many of you to sign up and e-mail me on: lars.olofsson@juicyfieldscase.com  – because then I get a picture of how the cash flow have worked and why the safety algoritms has’t stoped most of the transfers. I have now a suspicion that there has been a corruption in the bank transfer system.We are now on a quest of not just get investments back – but to shake the whole banking industry.I hope you join me and write to me and sign up.P.s don’t forget we have a strategy…

Hi all

  I want to thank you all who has written to me and accepted our Offer.We have now almost 300 who have signed up and we represent.We are going to work relentless for you who now are our clients and see to that you are compensated.I start working on Friday (the 29:th) and I can not represent any who hasn’t signed up and compensate them.As soon as I start negotiations, and conclude settlements only those who has signed up can be compensated.Please write to me name and adress on: Lars.Olofsson@juciyfieldscase.com to join the Claimant group and for us to represent…


We have now come up with a strategy to include all who have paid with Crypto.All of you Crypto payers, please send me an e-mail on: casejuicyfields@priostartup.com and write your name and adress and describe how you invested.Then I send back our Agreement for you to review.BR / LarsIf you know any who should join, please inform them.