Hi AllPlease read this: As an example of our unconventional methods we now used ourselves and how the bank transfer system should work. I informed our bank about the assignment we now have for investors in JF. I informed about all the transactions of payments from our Clients, and I updated our ”profile” in our bank account. This should have been enough for the safety system to let all payments through.Today my bank informed me that they have temporary closed the account for 2-3 days for an investigation into a ”suspicious activity”.We are using ourselves as an example of how the transfer system works just to prove to you our point when we said that your banks let you down, and should’t allow your transactions.As I said, we have made our point in not just that we work unconventional, and to the death comitted to our clients, and by example show how it should have worked.In the middle of next week our bank account is open again and your client payments will pass and come to us.Lars
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SVD today regarding fraud in the tech world. Lars Olofsson and the juicyfieldscase is mentioned for the META lawsuit
https://www.svd.se/a/abOyBd/svd-tech-brief-sam-bankman-fried-fran-ftx-talar-ut-pa-scen? ”Swedish sues Zuck. Is a published advertisement enough to be considered aiding and abetting fraud? That’s the question lawyer Lars Olofsson wants to answer by suing Mark Zuckerberg, Metas CEO, in Luleå District Court. The company Juicy fields used Facebook to attract customers, but turned out to be a scam. Now those who lost their money want redress.”
Good overview of the juicyfields scam case + its first step.
Juicyfields Features Us
Here today JF has linked our website as you might know if you are here reading this. They however did not to their research. We are not going after the JF companies for refunds. We are going after whom opend the door for JF to even happen in the first place. We have had no communications with whoever linked our website. Kind regardsDaniel Johansson /*! elementor – v3.6.8 – 27-07-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}