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Hi All, This is Lars
For many years I have from time to time (almost on a weekly basis as I’m a very large networker on LinkedIn and Facebook with 25.000+ connections on LI and 5.000 on FB) being mistaken for my namesake the former Corp CEO of the large French company Carrefour. He was very famous and wellknown all over Europe. On top of everything we look alike as well and are of the same age. I’ve meet him a couple of times when I worked for Peugeot in France, and he have the same problem people thinks he is me. We could also…
Cannabis Conferences in Europe Need to Embrace Ethical Cannabis Concerns
Show Me the Money: Why Ethical Cannabis Conferences Need to Return Juicy Fields Cash to Authorities ”One of the reasons that the Juicy Fields scandal got so large, so quickly, is that unethical conferences took the cash and asked no questions, even when warned. Anyone who took such money needs to step up to the plate and return it to public authorities – and if they do not authorities need to step in. Cannabis companies also need to think twice about associating themselves with such venues”
Lars Olofsson and the juciyfieldfs case in a Portuguese article today aswell
Zuckerberg no banco dos réus pela cannabis