First Juicyfields legal action by Lars Olofsson
Taking on the facilitators one class action case at a time
First Blood: Luleå Court Grants Cert to Lars Olofsson to Proceed in Juicy Fields Suit Against Mark Zuckerberg We all have responsability for what we do and with who we do it with. Many social medias and other companies provide criminals with services they use. Now the world is changing and new laws are coming which also forces these companies to take their degree of responsability
”Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is being sued before Luleå District Court in Sweden Press release, 29 November 2022 META Platform Inc., i.e. Facebook and Instagram, has grossly negligently failed to control who used their platforms. Since it is a crime that carries a penalty of at least two and a maximum six years prison, its operational manager, Mark Zuckerberg, is sued at Luleå District Court, Sweden. Background:The company Juicy Fields was presented to the public on April 1, 2020. The concept was based on the possibility of being able to invest in medical cannabis. A profit of 66% was promised,… Here Me and Lars are on Swedish tv4 in a short 4minute segment. #META #juicyfieldscase
‘Tis The Season (of Scandal) – Stripping Marketing firm Naked Media Group Bare Here the latest steps are explained in our case brilliantly by Marguerite Arnold. ”“I know they have run away with the money. There is no use to find the money, that’s for sure.””
Juicy Fields: A Snapshot of the Culture of Kleptocracy and Criminality ”The masterminds behind the Juicy Fields fraud, in other words, were players who fit into a world where fraud, theft, lies and corruption are an everyday fact of life if not a necessary survival skill.”
Overview of Juicy Fields: The Setup and The FraudIn July 2022, an “e-growing” and “cannabis investment” platform called Juicy Fields went belly up after being in operations for just over two years. However, no matter how quickly the company exploded, first onto the cannabis scene and then the dramatic disappearance of investor money, this was not a fly-by-night startup that appeared overnight, nor was the “Exit Scam” accidental. This entire operation, from concept to implosion, is also far from a group of IT programmers gone amok. This is, from beginning to end, a sophisticated and well-planned international fraud – and…