Juicyfields Features Us

Here today JF has linked our website as you might know if you are here reading this. They however did not to their research. We are not going after the JF companies for refunds. We are going after whom opend the door for JF to even happen in the first place. We have had no communications with whoever linked our website. Kind regardsDaniel Johansson /*! elementor – v3.6.8 – 27-07-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}

Summary of Lars’s Live Transmisson Regarding Juicyfields Scam

Summary of the live 16:00 CEST 2022-08-07 by Lars Olofsson. Written mostly by Sue Dently and a little by Daniel Johansson Police reportsA Number of people all over Europe are telling us that when making a police report they more or less always say this is not a criminal offence and that they are looking at it as a civil case between you and JF This is not true. The problem is that these types of scams are so difficult to investigate. Often cross borders and makes it into a nightmare. 5 times more red tape than normal investigations and…

Article 2022-05-08

https://myhealthjoint.com/investigating-the-juicy-fields-crypto-cannabis-scam/ ”“It’s absolutely mind-blowing – and we’re hardened lawyers who’ve seen it all,” he said. ”Combining them, he estimates that investors are likely to have lost more than €700 million in investments, adding that it was “no less than €500 million”.”

2. Why Is Juicyfields A Scam

https://youtu.be/sCdj_RUy9sM Hello, I am the lawyer who is working with the Juicyfields case and I’m now representing a number of victims in the Juicyfields scamand I would like to tell you a little bit about why I think this is a scam and it has been a scam from day one.I’ve been working for the last 15 years with a number of scams all over Europe. Large investment scams. The frauds they follow a certain pattern when it comes to an end design, when it comes to how they are designed,how they are organized and how they are executed. And…

Hi All!

VERY IMPORTANT Those of you who have signed up as my Clients and waits for doing the payment needs to wait some more days.The system that failed you has now gone into slow pace for me and my bank needs some more days to clear possibility for incoming payments.What I now do is that all who have sent me ACCEPT on the Agreement I sent you are registrated as Clients and will now be invited to the JF Claimant Members Club tomorrow, and then informed by mail when payment is open – it should not take long.I’m looking forward representing…