Another Article exposing Juciyfields scam
Revealing Emails: The Juicy Fields Scandal Thickens Revealing indeed! Exposing that Juciyfields was a scam from the first day.
Taking on the facilitators one class action case at a time
Revealing Emails: The Juicy Fields Scandal Thickens Revealing indeed! Exposing that Juciyfields was a scam from the first day. Connections are worth more than anything and is true power! In Athens we made a few very good friends that will support our case greatly! Here is Lars Olofsson outside the Lawyers for Cannabis expo in Zurich this weekend. Going after potencial partners and targets. This was a lovely episode talking with Dyveke. We had alot incommon. Dyvekes own story brings up all the important aspects of the cannabis movement and what we are doing here with Lars and our unconventional class action. Dyveke have so much good information regarding Cannabis and the cannabis community enviroment generally Dyvekes website: /*! elementor – v3.7.2 – 21-08-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}
Today is the deadline to join our first batch of legal actions, wave one. This unconventional class action will be doing more batches of legal actions and one day we will open up for new clients before the second batch. Feel free to apply to our waitlist here:
Today lars have gotten many mails with some statement from Alan glanse that Lars is working with him now, Lars is not working with either a real Alan glanse or a fake Alan Glanse. We would appreciate all the help with shutting this new bs down. Below is Lars response to one of many emails that is clogging his email today, ”Good morning claimant I understand your concern. I have worked on 30+ of these cases and see a common strategy and trademarks with these scammers. They don’t just take your money, but after that, they try to scam you…