Juicy Fields Investigation: New Evidence Ties Russian Government, Nuclear Program and German-Russian Rotary Club to Senior Fraud Leader

New whistleblower evidence ties Sergei Berezin (aka Paul Berkholts) to Russian Government directly as well as an assassination attempt of Igor Kekshin (aka Anders) The Juicy Fields litigation team can now reveal a stunning new piece of evidence tying the alleged erstwhile head of the Juicy Fields scam, Sergei Berezin, aka Paul Bergholts just arrested in the Dominican Republic on April 11, directly to the Russian government, and potentially Russian intelligence operations. The connection comes via his father, Arsenii Borisovich Berezin, a Russian nuclear scientist – and also a member of the Russian-German Rotary Club. Berezin Sr died in 2020,…

Jim Belushi: Juicy Fields Celebrity Influencer and Facilitator Remains Unprosecuted

Juicyfields promotion of ICBC and Jim Belushi Despite the international busts in the middle of April, many of the scam’s facilitators remain untouched, including celebrity Jim Belushi. It is overdue that they are prosecuted. Jim Belushi is a well-known figure in the cannabis industry and beyond. He is a celebrity actor and well known in the American cannabis industry. However, his first entre into the European biz, via the Juicy Fields sponsored ICBC cannabis business conference, and allowing the scam to use his image, puts him in the paid facilitator category. It is overdue that he too, is put on…

Juicy Fields Arrests: The Silence of The Cannapress

In the last week since an international police operation began arresting suspects, the mainstream press has had a field day – yet the cannapress has largely stayed quiet. Why? For the last week, the international news media has had a field day reporting on the Juicy Fields case – in most cases for the first time. In marked contrast, however, the cannapress, with one notable exception in Europe anyway, has stayed remarkably silent. This is far from surprising. Generally, the cannabis media is not investigative, curious, and generally reliant on sponsors who do not want investors, or anyone else, to…

Juicy Fields Arrests Just The Beginning

International arrests in multiple countries of at this point 11 people (that we know of) is just the tip of the iceberg. And we have the inside scoop. Last week, the first arrests in the Juicy Fields scam made global news. Which then of course led to the massive speculation, particularly in the cannapress and social media, but also the German media, about who it was who actually got busted. While the Cannabis Cowboys over at DW, who also quoted the Russian Whistleblower (this time anonymously after outing him in the Russian press), wanted to revel in their inside knowledge,…


In a press article from aftonbladet.se from this morning, the Supreme Court in Sweden has made a ruling by which all banks are responsible for payments made to scammers. To all JuicyFields and other scam victims alike this is something to celebrate as the term ”facilitation” has received it’s legal foundations. See link below: https://www.aftonbladet.se/minekonomi/a/GMQWPV/sa-kan-du-fa-pengarna-tillbaka-efter-bedrageri YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q72y8bG6v68 Further details on this just unraveled topic will follow. Stay tuned!