Press release in the juicyfields case by lars olofsson 2023-02-06

Information about the Police Investigation and Prosecutorial Decision in Juicy Fields Case



In Sweden, the public prosecutor has the right and priority to prosecute. It is also a prosecutor who decides whether to open an official police investigation. The division of labour between the police and the prosecutor is that the police investigate, and the prosecutor instructs about what should be investigated and when the prosecutor is satisfied with the result of the investigation, he decides whether to bring charges or close the investigation.

About 20 years ago, the legislature opened the possibility of allowing prosecutors to delegate decisions to the police to begin an official police investigation themselves, and then be in regular contact with the prosecutor to inform how the investigation is going and receive instructions from the prosecutor.

In the case of Juicy Fields, one of my clients has filed a police report a week or so after Juicy Fields shut down its internet platform. This client had by then lost just over 30,000 Euro. The police decided to launch an official investigation because of the large amount.

Throughout the fall and into mid-January of this year, the police have tried to investigate, but concluded that they were unable to obtain enough information about the criminals behind Juicy Fields and that the systems and international cooperation the police have could not be used. Therefore, the police decided to close the investigation.

I was in contact with the prosecutor to give me a certificate that he had no intention of bringing an indictment, as I need one to prosecute as a legal representative because I had much better information than the police, and also that I directed responsibility at those who had helped the criminals behind Juicy Fields.

When the prosecutor had taken note of my legal strategy, and all the material and information I had, the chief prosecutor in Stockholm made the unique decision to reopen the closed police investigation with a new instruction for the police to also investigate those who could have helped the criminals, and that the prosecutor himself leads the investigation and does not delegate management responsibility to the police. This means that the companies and people I have identified as accomplices are now the subject of a prosecutor-led police investigation, and as I have unique investigative and information material, the police have now contacted me and are interested in what I have collected and know.

I will not cooperate with the police as a lot of the material and information I have is confidential between me and my clients, but I can give the police tips on what to look for and who they should investigate, and of course point out those I have identified as accomplices – including Meta Platforms Inc. and Mark Zuckerberg who is now the subject of the police’s official investigation.

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