Juicyfields scam keeps going investors held hostage by their own money

The scammers behind the Juicyfields have manipulated victims that the concept works and that they can help make all the other victims whole. These investors then go out to the groups and share that they got their money back so that more victims fall for the trap. These victims are now tools for the scammers and even if they mean well they are now responsible, hiding their faces and names wont help as people talk. https://businesscann.com/juicy-fields-splinter-group-claims-to-be-raising-new-funds-to-refund-victims-but-investors-warned-not-to-share-details/

Big step towards global justice. Facebook is thanks to Lars Olofsson now open to be sued for these scam ads

Exciting times! Big news from Sweden! The wind has turned Who knew that it would be the cannabis industry that  would open up legally for facebook to be sued for all scam ads they allow. All industries have fraud but it was the cannabis community who did not just lay down even though the system is not working properly, there is always a way! We show this here https://cannabis101.de/legal-eagle-update-juicy-fields-investigation-and-litigation/

Swedish ”Kalla fakta” investigated fraud using facebook ads on tv4 today 2023-02-08

After following over 200 scam ads on facebook they saw that even if a scam is removed the same user can just upload it again without any problems. I cant speak for anyone else but my facebook is full of scam ads when i scroll down the flow. Our juicyfields lawsuits now comes in to force social medias like facebook to take their degree responsability. https://www.tv4.se/artikel/6vrMNxKIfg3fISjod0m55o/facebook-later-kaenda-bedragare-fortsaetta-lura-offer

an updated overview of Lars olofssons juicyfields case and investigation made in this thorough article

A german article came out today giving a up to date brief of our Juicyfields case. Highly recomend this 5minute read. We have come far now with an expected court date around april/may for our first legal actions. The juicyfields scam turned out to be a scam within a much larger scam. Yes the 125k investors and the estimated 2 billions are the smal part. You can use deepl.com for translation:https://www.deepl.com/translator Articlehttps://issuu.com/sandrasoftsecrets/docs/de-softsecrets_issue-2023-01/s/18381964?f

Press release in the juicyfields case by lars olofsson 2023-02-06

Information about the Police Investigation and Prosecutorial Decision in Juicy Fields Case     In Sweden, the public prosecutor has the right and priority to prosecute. It is also a prosecutor who decides whether to open an official police investigation. The division of labour between the police and the prosecutor is that the police investigate, and the prosecutor instructs about what should be investigated and when the prosecutor is satisfied with the result of the investigation, he decides whether to bring charges or close the investigation. About 20 years ago, the legislature opened the possibility of allowing prosecutors to delegate…

Lars Olofsson in Helsinki last week recording for ZDF about our juicyfields case

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3J7rxJv_5g Hold onto your hats because in the next weeks we will begin paving a new legal path that will have global implications for any fraudster using social media. We all atleast whom use facebook have seen the scam pandemic. Facebooks ad trust have gone from 76% 2014 to 14% 2023 although their ad sales have dubbled the recent two years. They earn good money having their platform open to anyone to use like this. If they would take responsabiltiy it would mean much less buisness for sure. In this video Lars is in Helsinki recording with German ZDF, our…