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Lars Olofsson in Helsinki last week recording for ZDF about our juicyfields case Hold onto your hats because in the next weeks we will begin paving a new legal path that will have global implications for any fraudster using social media. We all atleast whom use facebook have seen the scam pandemic. Facebooks ad trust have gone from 76% 2014 to 14% 2023 although their ad sales have dubbled the recent two years. They earn good money having their platform open to anyone to use like this. If they would take responsabiltiy it would mean much less buisness for sure. In this video Lars is in Helsinki recording with German ZDF, our…
2. Why Is Juicyfields A Scam Hello, I am the lawyer who is working with the Juicyfields case and I’m now representing a number of victims in the Juicyfields scamand I would like to tell you a little bit about why I think this is a scam and it has been a scam from day one.I’ve been working for the last 15 years with a number of scams all over Europe. Large investment scams. The frauds they follow a certain pattern when it comes to an end design, when it comes to how they are designed,how they are organized and how they are executed. And…